Thursday, March 23, 2017

HW 6

I picked American gangster because it brings  a serious and intense mood to the movie. The black and white brings a dark atmosphere, with the red line between the tidal. Most icon gangster movies have black and white covers like Scarface and the god father.
Image result for american gangster

Friday, March 3, 2017

a viking movie

the chief movie

the chief is about a man who fights for the rights for his country. It takes place in togo right next to Nigeria . A billion dollar company called ALDO mines the country for gold and silver and dump waste chemical into the country water without the chiefs permission. The togo police arrest the men working in the country but were forced to release them and let them continue there job due to the fact the company has a statement form long time ago to let them work in the country. the form was signed by the chief great grand father who passed away witch voids the contract, but the company continues to fight for its right. while the fight goes on the company continues to mine and pollute the country. the chief has to deal with lawyers,harassment, and racism to get the company to leave the country. he is forced to fly to america and stand in the supreme court to win his battle. AlOD is owned by man named Tomas Aldo , who claims to know the chiefs grandfather and doesn't care about if the contract is void a pond his grand fathers death.